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Successful SVAS test drops

After the first very successful test drops in Switzerland in 2018 from a PAC-750, HPI was now able to demonstrate further successful tests with the Super Versatile Airdrop System. Various boxes from two different aircraft - the Beech Baron 58 with its cargo door removed and a Cessna Grand Caravan in a parachute configuration - were successfully and safely dropped at the Mengen-Hohentengen airfield.

With different wind and weather conditions the overflights from low altitude achieved a precision of up to a maximum of 30 meters around the target point. The contents of all containers reached the ground undamaged. The system demonstrated it was possible to deliver fragile goods intact. Even with sensitive loads such as glass.

If you are interested in the system or want to find out more about it, download our dossier here or contact us directly:


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